Walking My Labyrinth

As I walk along, I find that I am drawn to holding my musings and moments up to the Mirror to allow proper reflection. As I examine my life and thoughts and the teachings of Spirit contained therein, I invite any and all to partake or not of my ramblings. You may be walking a different path, or in a different place on the great wheel of spirit but allow the divine thread hidden within us all to activate the catalyst for your growth. Namaste'

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Location: perpetual confusion

Thursday, February 2

Life isn't fair...

It is so belligerently unfair that we must be forced to learn this harsh cold truth at a very young age in order to be able to prepare ourselves sufficiently to make it through this great adventure with any semblance of sanity.

(One, two, three, four... I declare a thumb war!)

maybe sanity is over rated... *grin*

But back to the story...

Kindergarten or First grade, not entirely sure which, on the playground in the middle of winter. Bundled up with crotched hat and mittens against the very chill michigan air.

Everyone is nice and honest so I never thought twice when the other boy told me to stick my tongue to the frozen piece of playground equipment.

(and this is where everyone makes a comment about that christmas movie)

Now if you've never done this... DON'T!!!

But unless you've been through this experience I'm not sure you can fully understand the moment of sheer horror when you realize that you are stuck and you cannot move. You are trapped by the tongue of all things to a merry go round. You have been betrayed by your fellow man (er boy).

Some young lady told me that I could regain my freedom by pulling myself away from the cold metal. However I wasn't informed that I would be leaving a piece of myself behind...

Sharp and searing pain.

Why for a situation so enmeshed in the cold, does the pain feel so hot?

So there I am, violated and in pain... What do I do? I go tell the person in authority. I go to the teacher who is in charge of the playground.

I relate what has happened to me (and others, I was not the only one fooled) and find myself confronted by the real tragedy and betrayel of the events.

I went seeking justice from the one who was meant to be looking out for me and was turned away.

I was left in the cold alone with my wounds, condemned to week of not being able to consume hot liquids and careful chewing.

With the perspective of adulthood I can understand the position of the lady teacher... After all what could she have done. But it was still a very bitter pill to swallow at such a tender age.

And when I watch grown adults be nasty and spiteful to each other, I'm forced to understand that teacher more and more... What can I do?

How do you debug the subroutine?