Walking My Labyrinth

As I walk along, I find that I am drawn to holding my musings and moments up to the Mirror to allow proper reflection. As I examine my life and thoughts and the teachings of Spirit contained therein, I invite any and all to partake or not of my ramblings. You may be walking a different path, or in a different place on the great wheel of spirit but allow the divine thread hidden within us all to activate the catalyst for your growth. Namaste'

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Location: perpetual confusion

Tuesday, May 9

Let's Talk about Life and Drama for awhile

I feel a tad blocked toward a number of the thought paths and tangled skeins, or its very possibly a matter of some of the traps that have been placed in my mind. (And at times I feel like I keep getting visited by someone from Porlock) {link provided for those who needed assistance understanding the reference}

So in an attempt to possibly sidestep and at the very least attempt to continue generating some kind of momentum that I can then change the vectors towards another path later, I have decided to share about what prompted me to one day buy a package of over the counter nausea medication.

Every now and then I like to go on what I have come to refer to (at least to myself) as a "labyrinth walk" where there is no actual physical labyrinth that I am traveling in. What I do is I either get into a particular state of mind and/or go someplace and just meander and see what I see. I do this a lot at conventions lately where I just sorta wander around and remain open to whatever or whoever happens to appear before me at various moments.

I've also done this a couple times when I go on shopping expeditions.

So there I was in the grocery store one evening, no destination in mind, no list to fill... maybe an occasional moment of amusement at some marketing attempts. Part of my mind just almost idly churning away at some part of my issues while the forward part it just going down aisles and seeing what I find, occasionally grabbing something and tossing it in the cart.

Since I'm on a walkabout I'm going down aisles I would normally skip past in my attempt to be a master of shopping expediency. There I am going down the aisle with the various pharmaceutical potions and unguents when my eyes alight upon a package with an arcane name upon it.

But the thing that happened to me is that even though I had heard of this medication in movies and other forms of media, I had never seen it before and my mind instead of reading this as the rest of the world probably would, I saw "Drama mine"... two separate words.

Even as one of the back parts of my mind started filling in the gaps and informed my primary cognizance what the function of this product was, I was still struck with a sense of appropriateness and a giddy sense of humor concerning my first impression.

It was still completely accurate. *grin*

Vertigo, dizziness, and nausea... Unless there is some kind of physical injury or foreign substance involved then these only occur as a symptom of some kind of mental drama (and even the injury or substance is most likely the result of some kind of drama *grin*... and also before any knickers get twisted, I try not to make claims about anyone else's physiological make up... I am merely making observations about the patterns of my own *sticks tongue out*)

Isn't it so wonderful that we have over the counter medications that are designed to help you with your dramas?

So I grabbed a box of it and tossed it in the cart. I had absolutely no intentions of using the product, but I couldn't (and still don't) get over the sheer amusement value of it now. (Though I was informed at one of the last conventions I went to that I could probably pass it out on Sunday mornings and be heralded as a savior for its ability to lessen the effects of hang-overs. I filed this information away but I doubt I will ever make use of it, as rare as it is for me to ever suffer the effects of a hang-over when I do drink anyways I much prefer to drown my pain in water and suffer for my sins *wry grin*)

When I was in the checkout line and handed the cashier my Kroger card I remembered a random thought I had on a previous trip to the grocery store where I was doing another wander aimless moment about what would the computer decipher about the hidden nature of the universe from examining my purchase patterns. Especially since the whole science behind barcode scanning is based on chaos mathematics *evilgrin*

But I also want to share why the fundamental nature of the universe, or at least amusing logic of some kind is involved *wry grin*. I had a really short mental grocery list from my room-mates with only four items on it. As I'm wandering the aisles trying to force myself to remember what all four items were and being very unsuccessful at remembering what the fourth item was I had a sudden epiphany and remembered the fourth item. I get to the end of the store and realize that I hadn't picked up the first item on the list and had to go through the store again.

Guess where the first item on the list was?

Remember that moment of epiphany I had mentioned while I was so focused on trying to remember something I had forgotten? I had it while I was looking at a box of Life cereal which was the first item on the list.

I had been so caught up in the excitement of finally remembering that which I had forgotten I had completely ignored that the first item on my list is what had in my minds own warped way triggered the remembrance.

... *sigh*

Am I so caught up in trying to remember things that I have forgotten that I'm forgetting about life?

postscript : After my initial posting of this from work, I sent a text message to a lady I know who works with one of the companies that contracts our services who reads my blog now and again asking her to check out my newest posting. Very shortly after sending the text, I receive one from her that simply said "HELP" and I knew from how quickly that she sent it at the same time I had sent mine. I called her up and the first words from her was "I have drama!"
Obviously I started laughing at her and made her write her words down so she would understand why she would be laughing at herself later...