Walking My Labyrinth

As I walk along, I find that I am drawn to holding my musings and moments up to the Mirror to allow proper reflection. As I examine my life and thoughts and the teachings of Spirit contained therein, I invite any and all to partake or not of my ramblings. You may be walking a different path, or in a different place on the great wheel of spirit but allow the divine thread hidden within us all to activate the catalyst for your growth. Namaste'

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Location: perpetual confusion

Saturday, September 16

What's My Point?

I was told earlier this evening (after I had been encouraged to babble a bit about my life, sharing some of the pieces of my memory forth both good and bad), "For what you've been through, you are remarkably well adjusted."

This was from the mother of one of my friends who always manages to ask some very insightful and meaty questions on those rare occasions that I am invited over for a social dinner. She has a lifetime of experience and the vocational history to have an opinion with weight behind it.

And after she made that rather surprising statement (it was pretty much a non sequitar at the time she said it) I managed to blink and thank her for saying that. We proceeded to make jokes about everyone being having issues and so forth.
I think my contribution of that was bringing forth the shared memory of when John Astin guest starred on the TV Show Night Court as a reoccuring character who provided Judge Harry with a connection to his deceased mother. This particular memory is about when everytime the conversation about Astin's characters history, there would inevitably be a point where John Astin would get this extremely big grin on his face and say, "I'm feeling much better now"
(accents are where my memory place them... No guarantees of accuracy. It has been proven that I do occasionally misremember minor details. Or more likely that's the way I wanted to hear it then *grin*)

So I'm an extremely well adjusted product of my disfunctions. *grin* Good to keep that in mind and hopefully I will start to believe it more. Because was I tempted to compare the extremely brief (though still convoluted... whoda thunk?) overview of some of my father issues (I can run, walk, and crawl nearly the whole length of that subscription) to the icecubes in one of the scotch glasses on the titanic being the amount of the tip of the iceberg.

At some point and I can't at this moment remember if it was before or after the other quotable quote she mentioned that I need to start writing some of my stories down (Not all of my stories are deep and heavy *grin* I got some light and fluffy moments too). This was shocking to me at the time, because yes it is on my mind that I would like to be able to share a lot of these moments in amber with anyone who would be interested, after all that is part of why I started this blog. So that there would be some snapshots of me and my thoughts.

But part of my hang up has been that to think about and re-experience some of these moments mean coming back to some topics and places that are not comfortable to talk about. I am aware of my mortality despite some startling evidence at times to the contrary *wry grin*.

"Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair."

I share what I can and would love to share more. I have a Great Work being crafted inside me and one day it will be ready. But I have to let go of my attachment to that also or it will never get too tangled to be spun out easily.

It's really late and even I recognize that I'm getting a bit obfuscated.

It was also nice to be told how passionate I was when I was talking about massage and different modalities. Its really hard to hide when you love something. Though I probably would have been more introverted about it if she hadn't have jostled me a bit with some of the conversation leading up to it that encouraged me to start opening myself up more.

Thank you.

Now off to contemplate my navel for a bit *cheeky grin*