I ran across this very interesting site when browsing another blog a couple weeks ago. PostSecret is a site where someone mails the site owner a self made postcard baring a secret that they couldn't otherwise share. Selections are posted by the site owner in such a way as to ensure complete anonymity. The secrets range from dark and moving to light and humorous.
I spent a lot of time thinking about what I would send in as a postcard. A number of hidden parts of myself decided to come out to play and remind me that as much as I've tried to put some things behind me and accept about myself there are still things that are uncomfortable to re-examine. Many of this I have set aside as future blog offerings since I feel that I would not be true to myself or my mission statement for this blog if I wasn't willing to discuss these things without hiding behind the veil of anonymity. I am who I am, for better or worse, accept me or not.
Though I still ponder and search myself on occasion to see if I happen to find something that I can't say in this venue and would tempt me to create such a postcard. That could be an interesting day if I find something that if I find one of those secrets that prompts me to such an endeavor.
Anyways, one of the more humorous postcards I have seen is this one and it's helped me keep a smile on my face at work.
I spent a lot of time thinking about what I would send in as a postcard. A number of hidden parts of myself decided to come out to play and remind me that as much as I've tried to put some things behind me and accept about myself there are still things that are uncomfortable to re-examine. Many of this I have set aside as future blog offerings since I feel that I would not be true to myself or my mission statement for this blog if I wasn't willing to discuss these things without hiding behind the veil of anonymity. I am who I am, for better or worse, accept me or not.
Though I still ponder and search myself on occasion to see if I happen to find something that I can't say in this venue and would tempt me to create such a postcard. That could be an interesting day if I find something that if I find one of those secrets that prompts me to such an endeavor.
Anyways, one of the more humorous postcards I have seen is this one and it's helped me keep a smile on my face at work.

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