Texas Renaissance Festival
Okay so here I am going to be stuck over the weekend in Corpus Christi Texas while on this two week business trip with nothing to do. After all there is not a whole lot to do here besides go to the beach and well I've been there and done that last time I was on this trip, besides so far it is acting like its gonna be fairly overcast this weekend down here on the Gulf of Mexico.
Having already sussed out that I'm pretty much into that sort of thing, one of my students off hand mentioned something about the Texas Ren Faire. Hmmm... Intriquing idea, I haven't managed to make it to a Ren Faire for one reason or another for many a year now. No matter whether it tis to be a large or small gathering, much enjoyment will be had from meandering the faire grounds. A momentary regret swam through my mind that if I had any kind of warning before I had left Georgia, I would have packed some garb so I could truly have left Mundania behind when I get to the site.
So saturday morning comes along and I just do not want to get moving, after all week long of having to get up at 6:30 in the ayem... I mean please, there is a reason why my normal work schedule doesn't start til 10:00. My mind and manners just do not function at all well that early in the day. So I toss in the bonus disc to Lost Season One and watch the deleted scenes and some behind the scenes featurettes while I try to convince my tired and bedraggled self to move out of the nice warm bed, especially faced with the prospect of driving almost 300 miles.
Have I mentioned that part? Not only am I a certifiable geekboy, but I am planning to make a trek that in any other part of the country other than Texas would probably be carrying me across several state lines in order to feed the madness!
Okay several long car trip rituals later, and evn though I still forgot the charger for my MP3 player, bad geekboy! No Audiobooks for you! And since I wasn't expecting any long road trip I didn't pack my power converter so I can run my laptop while in the car and at least listen to Audio Commentary track on one of my DVDs. I mean how positively paleolithic can I make this trip. I'm gonna have to listen *shudder* to public radio! I mean the outrage of it all. I need to write my congressman. Oh wait, even though I've been registered to vote since the day I turned eighteen, I've refused to vote in any election... Hmmm... I quess I will just sit here with my lower lip all aquiver (is that really a word?) and see how many more digressions I can find before I wander back to my point finally.
*clue by four to the back of the head*
Oh yeah I'm on the road driving towards houston and I pass through this small town called Refugio, Texas and I look up and see a road sign that says, "Superior Public Water System" and less than a hundred feet later was another road sign that read, "Watch for water on the road". I couldn't help it, I just started sniggering and said, "I've got to post that." I wish I had turned around and snapped some pictures with my camera. *sigh* yet another in a long series of moments that I was unprepared for *grin*.
Fast forward several hours and after dealing with Houston traffic which believe it or not is as bad or if not worse than Atlanta traffic, I make it to the vicintity of the Faire when silly me realizes that I have yet to eat anything for the day. So focused am I upon attaining my goal and travelling as efficiently as possible (blessings to be placed upon the driver of the red sports car who was my stalking horse for speed traps *evilgrin*), that I had completely set aside any hunger or need for sustenance. I quickly pulled into a Mickey Dees to grab a bite since I know from experience how expensive and not entirely healthy Faire fare can be (not that McDonald's is a whole lot better, but I wasn't gonna take the time out for a longer but healthier meal). I start munching away and find that I'm not really that hungry and the drive to get to site takes over and I head on my way.
I arrive at the Ren Faire site and start to breathe easier. I get into my duffel bag in the trunk of my car, even though I failed to bring any garb with my on my trek to Texas, I did bring some of my specialty contacts just to mess with my students on the last day of class, and spiral eye contacts feel very appropriate to a day that I plan on revelling in the atmosphere and fully expecting Spirit to have a hand in how my day goes (Spirit loves to tap me on my shoulder when I think I'm on vacation). I walk forth with a song in my heart, a dance in my steps and a twinkle in my eyes.

As I am wont to do whenever I enter any type of maze-like creation I follow the left hand wall and quickly come to a store that has handcrafted dragons and other assorted creatures available. A nice young shopkeep comes by and shows me the range of abilities that the store's offerings have, when she offered to show me how the dragonet she was carrying could shake its rear, I refrained from the uncouth comment that my male underbrain offered with help from my chivalrous nature and just just smiled innocently while thanking her for her demonstration and continued my wandering though examining the workmanship of the various offerings.
There was sort of an antechamber off to one side with a rope guarding against unwanted intrusion, curious as my nature is often wont to be I wandered over to investigate. A small room filled with a gathering of some of the most beautiful and breathtaking creations were upon display, including a handsome green devil who looked into my eyes and said *Thou art mine, young human*
Entranced I reached over the rope guarding these royalty and gently scratched under the chin of his majesty. Another shopkeeper walked over and informed me that the roped area was primarily to keep younglings from disturbing the occupants of the room and offered to let me in to see them closer. I nodded dumbly though I felt unworthy of being in the presence of such fine beings. I only paid half attention to the patois of the sales agent while continuing to gaze upon the magnificence that was the Green Lord before me. Somehow I manage to croak a question about how much is the tithe for one of these creatures, and the answer staggered me.
Oh sweet miracle of conception! I'm thankful that I am a calm and collected person, as well as being an experienced roleplayer, since I managed to keep my first thoughts off of my face and from flowing past my lips. When I know I had my eyes back under control I looked to the gentlemen for probably the first time since I had laid eyes upon his majesty and simply said, "I cannot make that kind of decision now since I have just arrived at the faire, If the spirits are willing I will be back later."
With a backward glance and sigh I leave I leave the young green lord behind and wander further into the festivities. I wandered from spectacle to delight, but at the back of my mind was a little voice whispering *come back to me, my pet*
As I perused the offering of various merchants and sampled the ocasional delights I felt his lordship digging through my mind and memories. Suddenly a hidden memory was pulled to the forefront leaving me shaking with its intensity.
A memory of a Ren Faire from long ago whence I was almost destitute working for barely more than minimumly acceptable wages and my eyes were filled with sights and temptations beyond my reach. In the midst of this memory was a voice that sounded very similar to mine, "One day, all these dreams will be mine."
So I found myself drawn unerringly back towards the beginning of my journey and the one who I knew would be waiting for me there. I managed to detour long enough to procure more suitable attire for the faire. The young sales lass was very talented with her banter and mild ego stroking, thereby encouraging foolish males such as myself to purchase garb that we will wear only a handful of times.
I guess I can blame it on being a slow witted male or on being distracted by the Dragon nudging the back of my mind, but I completely missed at what point I suddenly became an object of flirtation. I even had my teeth checked to make sure I had them all. Does that mean its no longer flirtation when you get treated like livestock? *evilgrin*
Slightly befuddled, which I know isn't an overly unusual state of being for me, I walked into the nearby shoppe from whence the siren call has been beckoning to me all day. I stood there entranced looking into his eyes while trying to checking my mental accounts to see if I could arrange for enough gold to purchase the privelege taking care of my green lord.
The mental image of weighing scales kept moving as the pros and cons wandered through to be measured and added to the growing debate overseen by a smiling green dragon who knew the outcome already. Can I buy him, should I buy him, can I afford to breath after I buy him, and how can I live without him? These questions and more kept filtering through my thoughts.
Finally a resolve coalesces as I think about how the wheel of life turns... The last time I was at a faire I was not able to fulfill my dreams, but this time I am in a place on the wheel I can avail myself of this opportunity with no way of knowing whether or not I will be able to do so again during some future turn of the wheel.
It was time to commit myself...

Since I can not think of a good way to travel on the plane without making things uncomfortable for my young green lord I make arrangements for him to be sent to me in Georgia. No longer driven as I was, I step out of the shop to recollect my thoughts.
Someone calls my name which snaps me out of my reverie since I'm very far off my beaten path and I turn to see the young sales lass from the clothing shoppe. After some small talk I escort the lass to visit my green lord again. I'm sure the sparkle in her eyes was entirely for the beautiful magnificence that is my new companion. *sigh* Dragons get all the girls.

The Dragon Keepers inform me about an essay contest wherein I could possible win a mate for my new companion. Not being one to deny any of his wishes I promise my new friend that I will endeavor to wax eloquent on his behalf. It could be possible if love and luck are with us for my friend to become mated, one never knows when lightning could strike.
Later as I the faire grounds and made the walk back to my rental car, searching my heart and mind to find out what my Green Lord's name is since the young sales lass had asked and at the time I hadn't found the answer. Shortly after realizing that my Lord's name is Andranthalus and elated with joy at the discovery, I also realized that I hadn't the foggiest notion what the young lady's name was either *Doh!* My dragon bedazzled thoughts kept me from realizing that I should have asked her what she was doing this evening after the faire closed.
*Sigh* My only defense is that I'm male, thereby doomed to be slow witted. Its for the best I suppose since I have to drive another 300 miles to get back to my hotel in Corpus. Though I briefly entertain warm thoughts while I drive of what could have been had this young otter had more confidence and skill with the opposite gender. At least I know I will see my new dragon companion again, hopefully waiting for me when I return to Atlanta.
If you would like to see more pictures from the Faire, click here. Though be warned, since I am a relatively young and healthy male, there are a few pictures of scantily clad nymphs to be found along that path. *evilgrin*
Having already sussed out that I'm pretty much into that sort of thing, one of my students off hand mentioned something about the Texas Ren Faire. Hmmm... Intriquing idea, I haven't managed to make it to a Ren Faire for one reason or another for many a year now. No matter whether it tis to be a large or small gathering, much enjoyment will be had from meandering the faire grounds. A momentary regret swam through my mind that if I had any kind of warning before I had left Georgia, I would have packed some garb so I could truly have left Mundania behind when I get to the site.
So saturday morning comes along and I just do not want to get moving, after all week long of having to get up at 6:30 in the ayem... I mean please, there is a reason why my normal work schedule doesn't start til 10:00. My mind and manners just do not function at all well that early in the day. So I toss in the bonus disc to Lost Season One and watch the deleted scenes and some behind the scenes featurettes while I try to convince my tired and bedraggled self to move out of the nice warm bed, especially faced with the prospect of driving almost 300 miles.
Have I mentioned that part? Not only am I a certifiable geekboy, but I am planning to make a trek that in any other part of the country other than Texas would probably be carrying me across several state lines in order to feed the madness!
Okay several long car trip rituals later, and evn though I still forgot the charger for my MP3 player, bad geekboy! No Audiobooks for you! And since I wasn't expecting any long road trip I didn't pack my power converter so I can run my laptop while in the car and at least listen to Audio Commentary track on one of my DVDs. I mean how positively paleolithic can I make this trip. I'm gonna have to listen *shudder* to public radio! I mean the outrage of it all. I need to write my congressman. Oh wait, even though I've been registered to vote since the day I turned eighteen, I've refused to vote in any election... Hmmm... I quess I will just sit here with my lower lip all aquiver (is that really a word?) and see how many more digressions I can find before I wander back to my point finally.
*clue by four to the back of the head*
Oh yeah I'm on the road driving towards houston and I pass through this small town called Refugio, Texas and I look up and see a road sign that says, "Superior Public Water System" and less than a hundred feet later was another road sign that read, "Watch for water on the road". I couldn't help it, I just started sniggering and said, "I've got to post that." I wish I had turned around and snapped some pictures with my camera. *sigh* yet another in a long series of moments that I was unprepared for *grin*.
Fast forward several hours and after dealing with Houston traffic which believe it or not is as bad or if not worse than Atlanta traffic, I make it to the vicintity of the Faire when silly me realizes that I have yet to eat anything for the day. So focused am I upon attaining my goal and travelling as efficiently as possible (blessings to be placed upon the driver of the red sports car who was my stalking horse for speed traps *evilgrin*), that I had completely set aside any hunger or need for sustenance. I quickly pulled into a Mickey Dees to grab a bite since I know from experience how expensive and not entirely healthy Faire fare can be (not that McDonald's is a whole lot better, but I wasn't gonna take the time out for a longer but healthier meal). I start munching away and find that I'm not really that hungry and the drive to get to site takes over and I head on my way.
I arrive at the Ren Faire site and start to breathe easier. I get into my duffel bag in the trunk of my car, even though I failed to bring any garb with my on my trek to Texas, I did bring some of my specialty contacts just to mess with my students on the last day of class, and spiral eye contacts feel very appropriate to a day that I plan on revelling in the atmosphere and fully expecting Spirit to have a hand in how my day goes (Spirit loves to tap me on my shoulder when I think I'm on vacation). I walk forth with a song in my heart, a dance in my steps and a twinkle in my eyes.

As I am wont to do whenever I enter any type of maze-like creation I follow the left hand wall and quickly come to a store that has handcrafted dragons and other assorted creatures available. A nice young shopkeep comes by and shows me the range of abilities that the store's offerings have, when she offered to show me how the dragonet she was carrying could shake its rear, I refrained from the uncouth comment that my male underbrain offered with help from my chivalrous nature and just just smiled innocently while thanking her for her demonstration and continued my wandering though examining the workmanship of the various offerings.
There was sort of an antechamber off to one side with a rope guarding against unwanted intrusion, curious as my nature is often wont to be I wandered over to investigate. A small room filled with a gathering of some of the most beautiful and breathtaking creations were upon display, including a handsome green devil who looked into my eyes and said *Thou art mine, young human*
Entranced I reached over the rope guarding these royalty and gently scratched under the chin of his majesty. Another shopkeeper walked over and informed me that the roped area was primarily to keep younglings from disturbing the occupants of the room and offered to let me in to see them closer. I nodded dumbly though I felt unworthy of being in the presence of such fine beings. I only paid half attention to the patois of the sales agent while continuing to gaze upon the magnificence that was the Green Lord before me. Somehow I manage to croak a question about how much is the tithe for one of these creatures, and the answer staggered me.
Oh sweet miracle of conception! I'm thankful that I am a calm and collected person, as well as being an experienced roleplayer, since I managed to keep my first thoughts off of my face and from flowing past my lips. When I know I had my eyes back under control I looked to the gentlemen for probably the first time since I had laid eyes upon his majesty and simply said, "I cannot make that kind of decision now since I have just arrived at the faire, If the spirits are willing I will be back later."
With a backward glance and sigh I leave I leave the young green lord behind and wander further into the festivities. I wandered from spectacle to delight, but at the back of my mind was a little voice whispering *come back to me, my pet*
As I perused the offering of various merchants and sampled the ocasional delights I felt his lordship digging through my mind and memories. Suddenly a hidden memory was pulled to the forefront leaving me shaking with its intensity.
A memory of a Ren Faire from long ago whence I was almost destitute working for barely more than minimumly acceptable wages and my eyes were filled with sights and temptations beyond my reach. In the midst of this memory was a voice that sounded very similar to mine, "One day, all these dreams will be mine."
So I found myself drawn unerringly back towards the beginning of my journey and the one who I knew would be waiting for me there. I managed to detour long enough to procure more suitable attire for the faire. The young sales lass was very talented with her banter and mild ego stroking, thereby encouraging foolish males such as myself to purchase garb that we will wear only a handful of times.
I guess I can blame it on being a slow witted male or on being distracted by the Dragon nudging the back of my mind, but I completely missed at what point I suddenly became an object of flirtation. I even had my teeth checked to make sure I had them all. Does that mean its no longer flirtation when you get treated like livestock? *evilgrin*
Slightly befuddled, which I know isn't an overly unusual state of being for me, I walked into the nearby shoppe from whence the siren call has been beckoning to me all day. I stood there entranced looking into his eyes while trying to checking my mental accounts to see if I could arrange for enough gold to purchase the privelege taking care of my green lord.
The mental image of weighing scales kept moving as the pros and cons wandered through to be measured and added to the growing debate overseen by a smiling green dragon who knew the outcome already. Can I buy him, should I buy him, can I afford to breath after I buy him, and how can I live without him? These questions and more kept filtering through my thoughts.
Finally a resolve coalesces as I think about how the wheel of life turns... The last time I was at a faire I was not able to fulfill my dreams, but this time I am in a place on the wheel I can avail myself of this opportunity with no way of knowing whether or not I will be able to do so again during some future turn of the wheel.
It was time to commit myself...

Since I can not think of a good way to travel on the plane without making things uncomfortable for my young green lord I make arrangements for him to be sent to me in Georgia. No longer driven as I was, I step out of the shop to recollect my thoughts.
Someone calls my name which snaps me out of my reverie since I'm very far off my beaten path and I turn to see the young sales lass from the clothing shoppe. After some small talk I escort the lass to visit my green lord again. I'm sure the sparkle in her eyes was entirely for the beautiful magnificence that is my new companion. *sigh* Dragons get all the girls.

The Dragon Keepers inform me about an essay contest wherein I could possible win a mate for my new companion. Not being one to deny any of his wishes I promise my new friend that I will endeavor to wax eloquent on his behalf. It could be possible if love and luck are with us for my friend to become mated, one never knows when lightning could strike.
Later as I the faire grounds and made the walk back to my rental car, searching my heart and mind to find out what my Green Lord's name is since the young sales lass had asked and at the time I hadn't found the answer. Shortly after realizing that my Lord's name is Andranthalus and elated with joy at the discovery, I also realized that I hadn't the foggiest notion what the young lady's name was either *Doh!* My dragon bedazzled thoughts kept me from realizing that I should have asked her what she was doing this evening after the faire closed.
*Sigh* My only defense is that I'm male, thereby doomed to be slow witted. Its for the best I suppose since I have to drive another 300 miles to get back to my hotel in Corpus. Though I briefly entertain warm thoughts while I drive of what could have been had this young otter had more confidence and skill with the opposite gender. At least I know I will see my new dragon companion again, hopefully waiting for me when I return to Atlanta.
If you would like to see more pictures from the Faire, click here. Though be warned, since I am a relatively young and healthy male, there are a few pictures of scantily clad nymphs to be found along that path. *evilgrin*
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