Walking My Labyrinth

As I walk along, I find that I am drawn to holding my musings and moments up to the Mirror to allow proper reflection. As I examine my life and thoughts and the teachings of Spirit contained therein, I invite any and all to partake or not of my ramblings. You may be walking a different path, or in a different place on the great wheel of spirit but allow the divine thread hidden within us all to activate the catalyst for your growth. Namaste'

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Location: perpetual confusion

Wednesday, January 25


Still too much stress and static for me to be able to focus properly to write the way I know I can write... Still tracking down the source of some of my thought pathways...

But in the meantime I just had to share this link

check out da cuteness!

Tuesday, January 10

Scribblings whilst at work

I sit here staring into the depths of my mind and my memories, just letting the tide and time of daily life ebb and flow around me.

Will today be a tumultous tempest or a serene stillness?

Will I be looking for correlations between my inner state and indicators from the world around me?

Or will I continue to just sit here being hypnotized by the refresh rate of my computer monitor as I try to congeal the thoughts and emotions of my life in a manner whereby I can share them with those that may be interested in them.

Sitting here in a contemplative state while conversations of troubleshooting and communication mix into a melange in my ears around me.

Occasionally a seeker will come to me for knowledge as if I were a delphian priest. To some it seems at times the answers are nearly as cryptic as those from that long ago oracle and I have to ask myself about the nature of perception.

Do these poor souls simply not have the ears to see the answers to which they are being led? No true teacher can do the thinking for them, merely lead them to the well of knowledge and hope that they have the thirst to drink deeply.

- - -

Didn't get an opportunity to finish the thought because as things tend to get chaotic at times at work. So I saved and forwarded what I had so I could post it. I may pick up this train of thought again at some time, but the fullness for that must wait.

Wednesday, January 4

50,000 RPMs and my Soul on fire!

Searching the edge of life
beyond the red line

the world streaming past
drop to a lower gear
to increase the engine's throaty roar

razor sharp decibels
cutting away the dross

heart beating a stacatto rythym
blood pounding in ears
keeping time with the music

adrenaline sharpened focus
keeping painful awareness

minute shifts in the physics equation
while speed feeds the flames
of jagged painful memories

The basic concepts and several fragments are remnants left over from an unfinished poem that I started many ages ago, back when I was still writing poetry and prose to share my pain and my passion with the world and those around me.

I pick up the pieces and put them together with inspirations at both new and remembered.

I put away my writings and my inspirations when I was examining my realization that I was living inside the Police song, "Message in the Bottle" (Google for the lyrics if you need help understanding)

It made me stop and listen to the tumult. Who would be able to hear the message lost in the cacophony. I decided to stop adding to the background noise until I knew that I had a clear signal. I couldn't be a beacon in the darkness to guide the way when I was adrift myself.

Which is part of how I twist myself when I realize that I am impelled to write in order to help myself find my way. Is it why I feel drawn to re-examine aspects of my darkness in order to find the missing pieces?

I'm filled with the drive to share what I have learned and what I have always known. To regain myself and to become more than myself. The desire to live in fullness.

But the path back to myself is filled with traps and pitfalls amongst the twists and turns. (Sudden mental flash: A friend from highschool jumping on a grate in the path between buildings... As the clash of metal rings out, "Watch Out! There might be traps!")

Which are Illusion and which are Real. Is that question itself woven into the fabric?

Should I apply Alexander's solution to the knot?

hmmm... accidently misposted this originally...

Tuesday, January 3

Honesty Blogthing

You Are Very Honest

You tell it like it is, no matter what.

Even if the truth hurts, you'll dish it out.

And while some may get hurt by your honesty...

At least everyone knows where you stand!

I am alive *grin* and am in the process of trying to write two blogs to go up... A lot of stuff to process, both emotional and spiritual... My train of thought will probably drift back and forth between the message for the Labyrinth here and the message that is fighting to be heard over here.

keep checking...