Walking My Labyrinth

As I walk along, I find that I am drawn to holding my musings and moments up to the Mirror to allow proper reflection. As I examine my life and thoughts and the teachings of Spirit contained therein, I invite any and all to partake or not of my ramblings. You may be walking a different path, or in a different place on the great wheel of spirit but allow the divine thread hidden within us all to activate the catalyst for your growth. Namaste'

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Location: perpetual confusion

Sunday, November 13

I am an Addict!


the written word.

the feel of ink laden wood pulp.

oh ecstasy.

I want to reach into a huge pile of novels and just absorb the written word into my skin in a whedonesque homage to my favorite english teacher (and track coach of all things) Mr. Palmer, "Gettin' High... on Lit-tuh-chuh!"

I thought I was getting out of Barnes and Nobles for under $200 dollars...


at the counter behind the cashier was the last installment of the Robert Jordan series... I may not like some of the ways that the recent books do not under any standard hold up to the beginning, but I've been along for the entire ride I might as well see how it wraps up.

And the reason I went to B&N is entirely due to an email conversation I had this morning with my ex-wife whom I haven't had a proper conversation with in longer than I really am comfortable admitting to myself whereby she informed me that the latest book by George R.R. Martin in his Song of Ice and Fire series has finally been released (said book has gone through several revisions to my understanding, including almost complete scrapping and starting over)

So I walk into B&N on a mission to the Sci-Fi section... I quickly scan to see if there are any copies out on the little displays as I walk in, don't see any and keep moving.

actual quote from when I reached the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section, "Didn't they used to have a New Release shelf in each section?"

couldn't find the book, but of course find a lot of gems and interesting nuggets for me to break my eyeteeth on...

walk downstairs and head to the Information counter to reserve a copy of the Martin book when they get some in. While waiting behind an elderly lady that was upset that she couldn't find a copy of some architectural book that the computers stated that the store had two copies in stock, I thought about the fact that I could be comfortable working in a Barnes & Nobles surrounded by all the offerings.

A brief sidetrack while I noticed a young lady browsing the tables nearby... She was lovely but I focused on the book in her hands more, "At First Sight"

Hmmm... I will probably investigate that later...

turns out that the book I originally came in for was on the backside of one of the displays as I first walked in. *shrug*

very labyrinth moment *evilgrin*

so I walk out with two huge bags of books...

and me being the type of person who will forgoe sleeping and eating to keep reading...

Book Binge!

hope I still have a job afterwards *shrug*